Please note:

Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The value of shares in the fund may go up or down, and an investor may not get back the amount originally invested

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Our ambition is to invest in the world's finest entrepreneurs

BMC Global Small Cap Select

BMC Global Small Cap Select

We invest in small cap with strong owners where the entrepreneurial drive is core in the organization.

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One year






We have selected around 40 entrepreneurial companies where we see the greatest potential to generate strong returns in the long term. We call them the world's finest entrepreneurs.

We invest in the world's finest entrepreneurs

BMC Global Small Cap Select is a global small cap fund with a goal to create high positive returns for our unitholders over time, in a sustainable, balanced, and risk-adjusted manner.

To create high returns in the fund, we use our own fundamental analysis to pick the companies we want to invest in. We select around 40 of the most exciting investment ideas that we find in the markets. This means we are not governed by an index, but instead have the possibility to invest in the most exciting companies with a market cap between USD 200m and USD 6bn.

In simple terms, we invest in companies with expanding profits and/or too low valuations. The most common occurrence in the stock market over time is that when a company's profits increase, so too does its share price, as the stock market is rational over the long term. The companies in our fund all have profits growing by an average of 10–30% per year.

In our global small cap fund, we invest in the world's finest entrepreneurs. In addition to dividing the companies into Champions and Special Situations, we have also split them into three sub-categories: niche players, rapid growers, and disruptors. A company categorized as a niche player is one with a unique competitive advantage. It operates in a field with little competition and has a unique technology. The field where it operates is too small to interest larger companies but sizable enough for a smaller company to grow. A disruptor is a company active in a mature field it can offer a new technology to challenge the status quo and take market share from existing players. A rapidly growing company has a unique business model that favors both organic and acquisition-driven growth.

To limit the risk, we don't invest more than 5% of the fund in any one company. Moreover, all our companies have robust balance sheets, which also reduces the volatility in the fund's unit values. We also only invest in companies listed on the world's larger and most regulated stock exchanges.

We consider our task to be managing our unitholders' capital to ensure its growth over the long term. We also believe the best way to do this is to always own quality companies. We thus often have only a minimal cash position in the fund, typically less than 1%.

The funds performance

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Global Small Cap fund

  • Concentrated portfolio, comprising 30–50 companies with a market cap ranging from USD 200m to USD 6bn
  • A portfolio of the "world's finest entrepreneurs," companies of the highest quality, with good outlooks and an exceptional entrepreneurial spirit
  • Actively managed fund at least two-thirds invested in Champions and one-third (maximum) in Special Situations
  • A Champion is a market leader in its industry, with low debt, high profitability, and good growth
  • A Special Situations is often a company at a particularly low valuation that the market has its doubts about, but that we believe is on the cusp of positive change
  • Our small cap fund focuses on ESG and is a light green fund (article 8 of the SFDR) that actively selects companies with an investable ESG profile.

10 largest holdings 2024-07-31

Our investment philosophy

  • We truly belive in the edge of long term investing
  • Quality companies with strong balance sheet is key
  • A clear performance target in focus

BMC Global Small Cap Select

  • Interesting exposure to entrepreneur-driven companies
  • Has a clear and ambitious return target
  • Historically, Small Cap have had a natural place in a diversified portfolio

At Brock Milton Capital

  • We are dedicated in managing our unit holders capital in the absolute best way
  • We have over 40 years of combined experience in succesful fund management
  • We believe in the power of conversation and having a continuous dialogue with our companies

Fund overview

Inception date


Portfolio Managers

Henrik Milton, Johan Agneman & Andreas Brock

Investment universe

Equity fund with global focus

Min. investment

(R EUR) = 10 EUR, (I EUR) = 2 000 000 EUR

Investment management fee

(R EUR) = 1,4 % p.a. + 10 % Performance fee (MSCI ACWI Small Cap Net Total Return $ in EUR) (I EUR) = 0,7 % p.a. + 10 % Performance fee (MSCI ACWI Small Cap Net Total Return $ in EUR)

Subscription/redemption fee




Swing factor

Not applicable

Performance fee. Yes

10 %*


Global Equities

ESG classification

Article 8, light green

Risk category

4 of 7



Open for trade



MSCI ACWI Small Cap NTR $ in EUR

* The performance-based fee is 10% of the part of the total return that exceeds a so-called return threshold defined as the MSCI ACWI Small Cap Index (NTR), and is calculated according to the "high watermark" principle.

Fund document

Monthly Newsletters

Monthly Newsletter | 16 sep 2024

BMC Global Small Cap Select August 2024

Monthly Newsletter | 12 sep 2024

(German) BMC Global Small Cap Select August...

Monthly Newsletter | 12 sep 2024

(German) BMC Global Select August 2024

Monthly Newsletter | 11 sep 2024

BMC Global Select August 2024

Read BMC Global Small Cap Selects monthly newsletters.

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Our Investment Philosophy

At Brock Milton Capital, we know that active management makes a long-term difference. Our objective is to create a high positive return over time for our unit holders and this must be done in a sustainable, balanced and risk-adjusted manner. As a global manager, we can choose our favorites from among thousands of companies. Companies we call Champions - the market leader in their industry with good profit growth, a strong balance sheet and pricing power. Companies we would like to own for a long time. We can also choose to be more opportunistic and invest in what we call Special Situations. Companies that are currently undervalued by the market and therefore have a very low valuation. In these cases, we think the market is too brusque and that the share deserves a higher valuation, and once the company reaches that valuation, we choose to thank us.

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