Please note:

Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The value of shares in the fund may go up or down, and an investor may not get back the amount originally invested


Our board of directors

CK 2024

Christina Källenfors

Chairman of the Board (Independent)

  • Several years of experience from board work as a member and chairman

  • Strong legal career as both a lawyer at major commercial law firms and as an international general counsel

  • Named in The Legal 500 GC Powerlist Sweden as one of the most influential company lawyers in Sweden

Christina has a law degree from Stockholm University and has, among other things, been chief legal officer at Föreningen Svenskt Näringsliv, Mycronic AB, Epidemic Sound AB and Com Hem Holding AB as well as Senior Legal Counsel at Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA AB). Christina has expertise from several board assignments in listed and unlisted companies and is chairman of the board of First Venture Sweden AB and board member of Webrock Ventures AB and been a board member and chairman of the board of Wästbygg Gruppen AB.

Christina Källenfors owns 3,210 shares in the Company.

Christina Källenfors is independent in relation to the Company, the company management and the Company's major shareholders.

Elected to the board since 2024.


Ulrika Hasselgren

Board Member (Independent)

  • Former global head of sustainable investments at Danske Bank

  • CEO of Krinova Incubator & Science Park and several years of experience in board work and consultancy

  • Founder and CEO of Ethix SRI Advisors

Ulrika has worked in the financial industry for over 20 years as an entrepreneur, CEO and leader with a passion for business, innovation, development and strong teams. Among other things, she has been CEO of and founded Ethix SRI Advisors, which was later acquired by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). Ulrika has worked on several boards, including Fundrella, byWit, Eurosif, Dansif and Swesif and has been an external advisor to Infranode and Patrizia. 

Ulrika Hasselgren owns 3,210 shares in the Company.

Ulrika Hasselgren is independent in relation to the Company, the company management and the Company's major shareholders.

Elected to the board since 2022.


Magnus Oscarsson

Board Member (Independent)

  • CEO and founder of OE Capital

  • Former CEO and founder of Holtback & Partners Asset Management

  • Worked in the financial industry since the late 80s

Magnus has long and solid experience from the financial industry, where he founded and was CEO of Holtback & Partners Asset Management, among other things. Previous positions also include CEO of Julius Baer Nordic, co-owner and member of the management team at ABG Securities, as well as equity manager and member of the management team at Erik Penser Bank. Magnus is also a board member in, among others, Preservium Property and Gladsheim Fastigheter.

Magnus Oscarsson owns 250 shares in the Company.

Magnus Oscarsson is independent in relation to the Company, the company's management and the Company's major shareholders.

Elected to the board in 2019.

Andreas 1

Andreas Brock CFA

Board member (owner representative)

  • CIO at Brock Milton Capital

  • MBA from London Business School, CFA Charterholder

  • Worked in the financial industry for over 15 years

Before Andreas startade working at Brock Milton Capital, he was responsible for Nordic industry/capital goods analysis at Nordea. Before that, he worked in London at one of the world's largest asset managers, Capital Group. Andreas has also worked at ABB with, among other things, company acquisitions in China. Andreas was a member of the board of CFA Sweden 2015-2017.

Andreas Brock owns 1,026,575 shares in the Company through Brock Investment AB.

Andreas Brock is dependent in relation to the Company, the company management and the Company's major shareholders.

Elected to the board since 2018


Lukas Lindkvist

Board member (owner representative)

  • Has worked at Coeli since 2001

  • Fomer CEO of Coeli Asset Management AB and Coeli Investment Management AB

  • Over 25 years of experience from the financial industry

Before Lukas started working at Coeli, he worked at SEB Wealth Management as a Private Banker. He has also worked as a Financial Controller and auditor in the real estate sector as well as a consultant. Lukas has a finance degree from Stockholm University.

Lukas Lindkvist is a partner in Coeli Holding AB, which owns approximately 47.83 percent of the shares and votes in the Company.

Lukas Lindkvist is independent in relation to the Company and company management, but is not considered independent in relation to the Company's major shareholders. 

Elected to the board since 2017.

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